Cheapest Alabama Insurance

Cheapest Alabama Wind Insurance

What’s the secret to getting the cheapest Alabama wind insurance? You must find the right provider. Some agencies only represent AIUA. Others can find you the right provider.

Cheapest Alabama Wind Insurance

Alabama Wind Insurance History

Here’s what you don’t know about Alabama wind insurance… In the past, everyone wrote wind insurance. It wasn’t a big deal! In fact, it wasn’t even a separate policy like you may have seen today. There were no crazy wind deductibles. There were no super high prices. Then, the hurricanes came. Yes, there have always been hurricanes. But this time was different. In 2004, Hurricane Ivan hit. It did a lot of damage. In 2005, Hurricane Katrina hit. It also did a lot of damage. This cost insurance companies who wrote in Mobile and Baldwin County a fortune. Not willing to take another loss, most insurance companies stopped writing wind insurance in the area.


And just like that, customers who had never had a claim before were dropped. Then came AIUA, Alabama Insurance Underwriters Association. They approached the insurance companies, willing to write wind coverage. What you probably didn’t know is that groups like Lloyd’s and GeoVera have also been writing wind insurance in Alabama ever since the Hurricanes. They never stopped! Though perhaps there were regulations added. GeoVera won’t insure a home that is within ½ a mile to the coast. Special wind deductibles for high amounts came into play.


Alabama Wind Insurance Today

Today, over 10 years later, there are more options out there for the cheapest Alabama wind insurance. There are wind deductibles, named storm deductibles, and hurricane deductibles. If you have fire insurance through a company you like, such as USAA, you can get an extra wind policy from AIUA, Lloyd’s, or GeoVera. But the best was to get the cheapest Alabama wind insurance is to bundle fire and wind coverage into one policy. This normally includes full coverage except for flood insurance.